Triad Productions began as a professional recording studio, and we've been spending the past four decades honing our craft to better meet your recording needs. We're regional leaders for audio recording services in the Midwest and beyond, which means we have the expertise to help make your recordings truly come alive. Our facilities feature a fully equipped recording studio, and our team of audio experts are here to walk you through the recording process, step by step — from concept to recording to mixing and mastering.
In addition to providing the facilities and equipment you need, we can also provide the right voice for your project.
Triad offers connections to a deep talent pool of some of the most versatile actors and announcers in the Midwest. No matter the tone or scope of your project, we can find the perfect voice talent — be it male or female, young or old, humorous or dramatic — to help you meet your goals.

Our team of audio recording experts know how to perform on time, on target and on budget. From original recordings and music editing to award-winning advertisements, Triad Productions has done it, seen it and, especially, heard it all.
Let us walk you through our process and give you proof of our skill set. Click here to download a demo file of just some of our past studio recordings. If you like what you hear, contact us!
Format Conversion
Outside of original studio recordings, we also offer a wide range of format conversion services.
If you have an audio problem, we have a solution — whether you need to digitize an old CD or are looking to compress, backup and/or convert any existing audio files.